Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Introducing Facebook Timeline - The most awaited FB update ever. - Facebook Timeline Review

All you ever wanted to know about Facebook Timeline....

Facebook with almost 800 Million users is a social networking giant and what makes this giant sustain and grow bigger day by day is it's the way it has evolved and changed with time. 

Probably the best update in past brought by Facebook was the "Like" feature introduced back in February 2009. Since then many good features where added like "Facebook Questions" in July 2010 (beta edition). "Facebook Places" in August 2010.

Recently Facebook also gradually rolled out changes which were opposed by many and was not welcomed by most of it's users.

Specially the farewell to options which were used to short News Feed like shorting of News-Feed by Status Updates, photo's, links, etc and two separate options, "Most Recent" and "Top Stories" on Homepage. This was replaced by "Top Stories" since you last checked in Facebook and "Most Recent" got little down. Shorting of News-feed by status updates, photo's, links is no more but shorting of update's by friend's was introduced with New Facebook Dynamic "Friend-list" and yes the annoying Facebook 'Ticker". Annoying Ticker is what many called it. Well Ticker brings live instant update's of your friends activity. Also the new amazing subscriber's. (We will dedicate a special post to it)

Though many where not happy with some of these updates but gradually got used to it.

Many believe Facebook will ruin because of constant changes but the reality is these changes are making the giant sustain and grow. These changes have always pleased the variety seeking nature of human being.

Today we are going to talk about an upcoming Major change in Your profile and on your Facebook Pages. Most of you would have certainly heard about it, it's "Facebook Timeline"

Timeline profiles are already released for Facebook developers (1.1 Million people have already installed it) and Facebook plans to start rolling out gradually to its normal users since October 6th, 2011.

We are going to take a close look on this upcoming feature and what makes it most awaited update.

First this is how Facebook Timeline profile will look like. (The profile belongs to Tic Tech Tips Founder - Navneet Singh Chauhan)

Facebook Timeline - Profile. (click on image to view a larger version)
Introspecting the elements of it. There are many new stuff and old stuff bundled in a new way. Good things first.

The Design part: Your New Facebook profile will have two parallel horizontal line's bringing the updates you have done on Faceook in reverse chronological order (From Newest to the oldest). The two column layout is very neat and clean with Timeline in Between. The Top of the profile page will have your pic covering half of the screen (Known as Cover Photo). Yeah it's your profile so you should be the hero. Facebook has taken care of it and is really impressing. Below it comes major information about you like where you work and your education, current city and languages known to you. On right of it you have a box listing thumbnail pic of 6 of your random friends and total number of friends, followed by Total Photo's you have on Facebook with thumbnail preview of your recent pic, followed by places you have been, the places which you have listed on Facebook ever in your timeline are shown. Next to it is Pages you have liked on Facebook. Clicking on all these thumbnails will open a detailed list of it like clicking on friends will open friend-list and clicking on like's will open a list of all the pages liked. Next to it is a drop down button when clicked on it, it further opens your Notes, Subscribers, Subscriptions and applications if any.

The Cover Photo: Cover Photo is a great way to share your best pic on Facebook at top of your profile apart from your Facebook profile pic. You can upload a cover photo from your existing pics in your Albums or you can add New. Currently an Issue is there with cover pics, It fails to add a pic from your existing albums as your cover photo. As the Timeline is in beta face we can understand such issues. Solution: Download the pic you want to set as your cover photo from your albums and then upload it from your computer.

Featured Post: New Facebook Timeline has two column layout with timeline in between, but you can always showcase your best posts and updates by Adding it as "Feature on Timeline". The Featured Posts will be shown as full post breaking the timeline in between and covering the full space. Have a look on the pic below. This gives you an opportunity to share best things happened in your life. To remove a featured post just click on 'Star' icon it will then be shown as Normal post and to delete or hide a post from timeline click on Pencil,

Featured post on Facebook Timeline Profile

You can add a New Post back in Your Timeline: Once you will get Facebook Timeline Profile you will soon realize that many important events are not listed in it because probably at that point of time you were not on Facebook or was just busy to share the stuff on Facebook or just not preferred to share it. And now you wish to add it on your timeline as Facebook timeline will represent your life (just like a scrapbook) in status updates, photo's, video's and maps.

Adding an update on Facebook Timeline

Showcase your Educational and Work Achievements:

Facebook Timeline Showcasing Educational Achievements

Facebook Timeline will also showcase your Educational Achievements like "You Graduated from certain college" and "You joined certain organization". You can add an image to it too. Also you can on which date you joined Facebook. Refer the image above.

Info Tab: Facebook Profile had got an info tab. Now the info tab no more exists but info page do exists in a very new way in two column design. You can go through all important info of your friend or of yourself by clicking on "About" which is available on your timeline profile below your brief information about your work and education, city and languages known.

This is how your info tab will look like

Facebook Timeline Info tab
New Info tab will contain briefly your "Work and Education", "About You", "Favorite Quotes", "Living" (places where you live, showcased on bing maps), Featured Pages, Family and Relationships, Contact Info.
And "History by the year". History by the Year is something new on your info tab. It will contain in brief of all your information in Timeline form representing years when you got a job, graduated etc.

Facebook Timeline and Legal Issues: A Chicago based online social scrap-booking firm timelines.com sues Facebook for copyright over the feature which reorganises updates on Facebook. The Firm requested to court to grant an immediate injunction on the Facebook’s concerned product that is still to be rolled out to public. This issues is expected to be resorted very soon but it may cause a delay in the launch of Facebook Timeline to public.

This is from us for the time being on Timeline. We will bring more on this later once Facebook rolls out it.

We expect a very positive and healthy response to this new Facebook update.

What's your say in this regards? Let us hear from you.

Navneet Singh Chauhan
Founder - Tic Tech Tips.

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Concerned about Facebook Privacy? Follow the simple tips.

Love Facebook? So you must have concerns about it.
Privacy have always remain a concern for Facebook and yeah it is naturally a site where we share most about our-self we naturally get concerns about our privacy.

Recently Yahoo News reported that Facebook keeps track record of sites you visit even if you are offline. Though it is yet to be confirmed.

Also according to new privacy policies Facebook Partner Websites by default can access your profile data.

Here we present some simple tips you might follow if you are concerned about your privacy on Facebook.

1. Regarding Apps and other Websites:  Go to Drop down Menu at Top Right - Click on "Privacy Settings"  You will find "Apps and Websites"  click on Edit Settings under Apps and Websites. Now under "Apps you use" you will find few apps which you have used recently. Again click on "Edit Settings" box this will open a list of websites and apps to which you or according to updated Facebook privacy it's partner websites have access to your profile information. Now Remove all the websites and applications which you don't wish to have access to your profile information by clicking on cross mark which appears next to edit. It will prompt you to remove the application? click on "Remove" to remove it. Do remove apps and games requests and websites which you don't use or don't want to have access to your profile info.

2. Regarding Facebook Tracking your browsing on other websites: Facebook does tracks other websites you visit if they have Facebook integrated in it so that Facebook can offer you valuable services like content sharing and it's superb comment system. Also if we believe Yahoo News reporting that Facebook tracks your browsing data even when you are offline then this tip should work.

Latest Version of Browsers viz Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Internet Explorer have an option "New Incognito Window" in Google Chrome (click on settings followed by New Incognito Window to start private browsing) or  "Private Browsing" in Mozilla Firefox (click on Tools, Start Private Browsing) and Apple Safari (click on settings, Private Browsing).

Open the Incognito window or start private browsing while you are using Facebook. This will keep your Facebook data away from normal browsing. In Google Chrome a separate window for private browsing is opened so you can enjoy other sites and Facebook privately to keep data of websites separate. This will not allow Facebook to keep track of other websites which you browse until you open other websites in Incognito window. Also your browser will not save any browsing history and other information on your computer.

Alternatively you can use another web browser dedicated to Facebook. Like browse other websites in Mozilla Firefox and Facebook on Google Chrome.

3. Old Posts on Facebook: With New Facebook you can change your privacy settings regarding posts or photo's you have posted even after posting it. Want to change all those old posts limited to Friends only all together?

Go to Facebook Privacy Settings. 4th option there is "Limit the Audience for Past Posts"  Click on "Manage Past Post Visibility" Followed by "Limit Old Posts". This will set all your old posts to "Friends only" except the friends whom you have tagged; their friends will be able to access the stuff.

4. Facebook Disconnect: We have found an Extension on Google Chrome Store called "Facebook Disconnect" (click to see) Which claims disconnecting Facebook on other sites. It works but it itself has privacy concerns because this extension will keep track record of all the data you browse through web. This has been mentioned on chrome store with red at right hand side. We do not recommend you to use such extensions. These can at times become bigger privacy concerns then Facebook itself.

Hope these Small tips would have been helpful for you. Let us hear from You and do share with us if you have some more ways to keep your privacy while enjoying life on Facebook.

Navneet Singh Chauhan
Founder - Tic Tech Tips.

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Offline Gmail - Super Fast offline version of Gmail.

We at Tic Tech Tips blog on making your web experiences better. Today's post is dedicated to "Offline version of Gmail" which is recently launched by Google. Offline Gmail is available on Google Chrome Stores and works well with Google Chrome. We had some good experience with Offline Gmail and few bad too. Keep reading to know more.

At the end of post we have described "How to Install Offline Gmail"

Offline Gmail in many senses have capabilities to replace Microsoft Outlook (if you use Gmail) and here are something good about it.

1. It's really fast. Loads Faster and works well on slow internet connection. Full Gmail version has issues working with slow internet connections and this new offline gmail works quite well on slow internet connections.

2. Email Search: Offline Gmail has got a search box. You can easily search your email through this search box. Also result loads quite fast.

3. Nice user friendly Interface. It looks pretty much like Outlook and has got nice interface and easy to use.

4. Best part of it is that it needs very little space to install.

5. Synchronization with Gmail: Offline Gmail is synchronized with Gmail (online Gmail). It means all your activities on offline Gmail gets updated on Gmail when you go online. Like if you have 3 messages in your offline Gmail drafts and when you go online. These 3 drafts are automatically saved in Gmail drafts.

6. Offline Gmail can do some savings on your internet bill by bringing emails offline. You can do your stuff and synchronize data again by going online. This can save a lot for those who have time based internet bill plans.

Thumbs Down

1. Unable to delete sent emails in outbox. and email will automatically delivered when you will go online.
Tip - Clear Browsing data of your browser and that email will be deleted but caution all your offline data will be lost.

2. All Gmail offline data is also lost when you delete your browser's browsing history. This is a barrier actually. Google should add one more option in clear browsing data in it's check box list it should ask about "Deleting data of  Extensions"

3. When you delete an email on Offline Gmail while being offline. You get an option "Moved to Trash - Undo email" for few seconds. In case you did not do Undo and you realize later that you have deleted it by mistake you cannot find the same email in Trash.  Trash shows empty. And when you will go online then it will synchronize the data hence your email will be moved to trash in online Gmail.
Tip - You can move deleted message to inbox by logging in to Gmail and checking your Trash box.

4. Gtalk not available even if you are using offline Gmail when being online. This is not actually a reason to Thumbs Down this is what we wish should be available.

Here's are few pics of Offline Gmail. (offline Gmail Gallery pics - click on images to view a larger version)

Offline Gmail - Inbox View
Offline Gmail - Folder View
Offline Gmail - Search
Offline Gmail - Outbox
Offline Gmail - New Email
How to Install Offline Version of Gmail?

Follow these simple steps to install offline Gmail.

1. You must have installed Google Chrome browser on your computer/laptop. Not yet installed Google Chrome? No worries download now by visiting Google Chrome.

2. Run Google Chrome browser and Open a New Tab you will find "Web Store" at center of the page. or visit Google Chrome web store  (Refer image if not clear)

3. On Chrome Store you will find some great applications. To install Offline Gmail search "offline gmail" in search box at the top.

4. You will find the offline Gmail chrome extension in first result under "Productivity" and available for Free. click on it.

5. You can see details about Gmail offline application. You may go through it and then click on "Add to Chrome". A pop window will open asking Install Offline Gmail. Click on yes to install it.
6. After Installation open a New Tab. In New Tab you will find "offline gmail" under tab "Apps". This is the place where you will find "Offline Gmail" and anytime you wish to access it just open a new tab. For first time while accessing the application it will ask you to "Allow offline Gmail" kindly allow it so that application can work.

7. Now you can enjoy "Offline Gmail"

Offline Gmail being available offline it can save your internet bills by downloading emails and disconnecting the internet and then replying to all or sending new emails and other works and then connect back to internet and synchronize it. It can save a lot if your internet bill plan is time based.

Hope this small post will be of some importance for you.

Let us hear from you.

Navneet Singh Chauhan
Founder - Tic Tech Tips.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Download Windows 8 - Pre-Beta Version Free

Windows 8 is on it's way. Yes you heard it right. Microsoft is all set on it esteem project "Windows 8".

Windows 8 is expected to be officially released in September 2012.

Microsoft has just recently released it's pre-beta version of Windows 8 which you can download by visiting Download Windows 8 pre-beta version for Free. (Beta versions usually expires with launch of final versions. So you can enjoy Windows 8 beta versions till windows 8 is officially released.)

Check the Introductory Video which is officially released by Microsoft on it's Youtube channel

Microsoft Windows 8 is designed and optimized for Touch screen computers, laptops, tablets though it works well with Mouse and Keyboard

Few features of Windows 8 as presented by Microsoft at D9 Conference on June 1, 2011.

1. A tile based Start screen which makes launching of apps faster which also replaces Start Menu with a customized and Scalable full screen view of apps.

2. Notifications - Yes Windows 8 has got notifications which keeps you up-to date with information from installed apps.

3. Switching between apps is very fluid and natural

4. Multitasking: You can snap and re-size any application to the side of the screen so that you can manage multiple programs/apps all together.

5. Web-connected and Web-powered apps built using HTML5 and JavaScript that have access to the full power of the PC

6. Full touch web browsing with Internet Explorer 10.

Note: pre-beta versions and beta versions are bound to have errors and are under testing that's why they are available for free.

We hope windows 8 to be awesome.

Navneet Singh Chauhan
Founder - Tic Tech Tips.

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

How to Undo Sent email ?

How to undo or delete a sent email?

Many a times it happens that in hurry we send an incomplete email and just after hitting the send button we realize that something more to be written or needs to be corrected.
But after sending the email we are helpless. We can't do anything.

But no more if you use Gmail email services, you can undo a sent email but only for 5-7 seconds after hitting the send tab. (The regret still remains as its for limited time but still it can save us many-a-times not always though)

As the feature is in beta stage it is not yet released for normal users but you can enable it yourself.

Here is how to enable this feature.

1. Log on to your Gmail account.

2. Click on Gear Icon at top right, then on drop down menu you will find "Mail Settings" option. Click on it. (If you have already enabled some labs feature you will find "Lab" in drop down menu, click on it to skip step 3) Refer the image for references.

Enable Undo Sent email in Gmail - Mail Settings Tab (click on image for a larger version)
3. Click on Labs Tab in Mail Settings.

Enable Undo Sent email Tab in Gmail - Google Labs Tab. (click on image for a larger version)
4. Now you will find a search tab at center of the page. Search "Undo Send". (It is a Dynamic Search so there is no enter option it will auto load as you will type.)

Enable undo Sent email in Gmail. (click on image for a larger version)
As Show in above image. After search you will find "Undo Send" by Yuzo F  under Available Labs. You will find Enable and Disable option. Click on "Enable" to enable it. After enabling it click on "Save Changes" and you are done. Now the Gmail will load again with this new exciting feature. You can also explore other new exciting features in labs.

You can always disable this feature by following the same steps but in 4th step click on Disable and Save it.

Hope this little Tip helps.

Have a great day.

Navneet Singh Chauhan
Founder - Tic Tech Tips.

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How to Recognize a Fake Profile on Facebook?

There are so many fake profiles on Facebook isn't it? But how to recognize them?

Here are few golden rules made by us to identify such fake profiles.

1. No.of Friends: Most fake Facebook profile's have too many friends usually above 1000+. You can look for suspicious profile even if number of friend's is above 500. 

2. Responses to wall posts: Most fake Facebook profile's usually of girl's do not reply to their wall posts. Check their news feeds and if you found that many of them are not responded back, remember it might be a fake Facebook profile.

3. Responses to own status updates: Fake profile's usually do an update and don't bother to comment back on their own status update's.

4. Incomplete Profile: Most Fake Facebook profile's have very few profile information and most of them are young in age.

5. Too few own Photo's: Fake profile's have too few Photo's of their own. They might claim that they are their own photo's but most of them are copied from web.  

TIPS: In order to identify the originality of the pics download the image to your computer and then search that image using Google Image Search (you will find a camera icon at the end of search box click on it to upload the image and search). If you can find same images on web it mean's it is copied from there and profile is a fake profile.

6. Profile Picture: Fake profile's usually have hot and too attractive profile pic.

7. Friending Activity: Fake profile's have too many friending activities. Like "Pooja is now friend with Jatin and 80 more people".

8. Chat Status Offline: Fake profile's are usually found offline and they hardly chat. 

9. Responses to message: Most fake facebook profile's do not respond back to messages.

10. Lot many Tag on other's photo: Fake profile's have too many tag's on other's photo but most of them are irrelevant tagging. You will find almost zero tagging in real pics with faces. 

11. Roleplayers: There are too many fake profile's on Facebook in the name of Roleplayer's. But these people will talk and respond to you and their only goal is to have some fun via roleplay's. If you see their work as "verified roleplayer" or so or details like of a celebrity or a movie story then make sure it is a fake roleplay profile. Many fake roleplayer's profile will inform you themselves that this is their roleplay account.

12. Website promoter's: There are many fake profile's made by Web promoter's and SEO guy's. If you find a profile promoting a website or content of a particular website too often then it might be fake profile. NOTE: Many blogger's promote their own blog and post their link's in such case visit their blog and see if the author name's are common then they might not be fake. Most Fake profile's if created with business interest's keeps liking and sharing update's from certain facebook page and they will keep inviting you to the event's created on that facebook page. Also such profile's are found hardly active on Sunday's as it's holiday.

13. Irrevelant Status Update's: Fake profile's usually do not have sense making update's. Most of them are good morning, good night etc. They are hardly tagged in other's relevant status update's like at McDonald's with the name of fake profile.

Facebook and we at Tic Tech Tips always recommend not to add strangers on Facebook but Facebook is a great place to mix. So here is a Golden Tip, "Before adding somebody as Friend you must have some conversation via Facebook Messages. This will surely help.

These are few of guidelines which may help you to realize a fake profile. All points may or may not be applicable on a specific fake profile. Use your own intelligence to realize fake profile's.

Also if you have found some ways to realize a fake profile let us know.

Navneet Singh Chauhan
Founder - Tic Tech Tips.

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Monday, September 12, 2011


Hello Everyone  there.

We are just done with setting this site.

We plan to write on

1. Science and Technology
2. Mobile and apps
3. Software Technology
4. Space Technology
5. Social Networking
6. Add on's

and on similar stuff's.

So Keep in Touch and bookmark us.

Till we find something good stuff for you.

Have a great day.

Navneet Singh Chauhan
Founder - Tic Tech Tips.

If You Enjoyed This Post Please Take 5 Seconds To Share It.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

New Computing Revolution (Tablet Revolution). - It's Time to TAB.

We are under going New Revolution in our country in our fight against corruption and we have already achieved some success by passing the resolution in assembly.

But are you aware about New Computing Revolution?

Years back someone asked How about having a mobile computing device?

Which gave birth to the first Mass market Laptop by Toshiba. (Apple made first notebook-sized computer, but not a true laptop.)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Social Networking Application - TweetDeck.

Hello Everyone.

Today I am sharing one of my favorite PC application which I have downloaded from Intel Applications Center

(Snapshot of Intel AppUp(SM) center Desktop application. Snapshot Shows search results for Twitter)

And the application is TweetDeck.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Contest: Rebrand my Blog. Blog and Win for sure.

Hello All.

I am excited to launch one of its unique kind of Competition were Everyone Will be a WINNER.

The Contest is all about “ Re-branding my blog”.

Yes you read it write. I want to rebrand my blog to something new and exciting. “My Way of Life” now appears a little old school thought so I wish to reposition it to something exciting and cool.

So here are the Contest details please go through.

How to Participate?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Launch Event: Samsung Galaxy Tab 750 in India. (Live Webcast on 10th August. Time 12 to 2 PM)

My way of life in Association with Samsung Galaxy Tab are bringing together LIVE WEBCAST on the event "Release of Samsung Galaxy Tab 750 in India". So stay tuned on 10th August between 12 PM to 2 PM to see the live web cast. The event will be telecasted LIVE on below screen . So do Bookmark it and set a reminder.

LIVE WEBCAST: Event Release of Samsung Galaxy Tab 750 in India.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Creative AD: BING

Hello Friends.

Being a Marketing Guy and having special interest in Advertising. I am starting a new section on my blog. "Creative Ads" 

Here I will share some unique adverting which I would have done if I would have been creative advertiser for the firm.

The first one goes for Microsoft Bing.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Learning SEO - Introduction to SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Hello Friends.

From last 10 Days I am trying hard to learn SEO whenever I get time.

I will love to share whatever I am learning with you people.

Indeed, This will help me as a revision and my readers will be able to get all stuff together instead of wondering all over the web plus my personalized inputs which i have learned with my experiences.

So lets get started.

First What is SEO?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Personalized Song - I wish I was your LOVER, I wish I was your HERO.

Hello Friends.

Today I am clubbing two of my favourite Enrique Iglesias songs. viz. I wish I was your lover and Hero.

And the Song goes like this...!

A True Lover just do not love her girl's body, he loves her soul.
I wish I was your Lover.
I wish I was your Hero.

Oh baby I got this feeling that I just can't live without you.

Oh baby will you care to look back
Oh baby will you give me a chance to proof.
Oh baby I love you.
Oh baby all I need is you.
Oh baby I have made a promise that I will kiss you forever.
Oh baby I will stand by you forever

I wish I was your lover.
I wish I was your hero.
Oh baby all I need is you.
Oh baby I just love you.
I will stand by you forever.
I will love you forever.

Oh baby come closer to me.
Let me tell you how i feel.
Oh baby hold me in your arms.
Oh baby just make me warm.
Oh baby I wish I was your lover.
I wish I was your hero.

Oh baby all I need is you.
I wanna kiss you forever

Don't you know how much I feel for you?
Don't you know how much I care for you?
Ask this just to your heart which just beats for me.

I wish I was your lover
I wish I was your hero.
I wish we could kiss forever.
I wish I could hold you forever.
I wish to stand by you forever.
I wish to live for you.
I wish to be you.
I wish I was your lover
I wish I was your hero.

Navneet Singh Chauhan.

And here are the original songs from Enrique Iglesias

1. Wish I was your Lover

(Full Video Song)

Enrique Iglesias - I Wish I was your lover. - LYRICS

"Wish I Was Your Lover"

You know I got this feeling that I just can't hide

I tried to tell you how I feel
I tried to tell you but I'm weak
Words don't come easily
When you get close I shiver
I watch you when you smile
I watch you when you cry
And I still don't understand
I can't find a way to tell you

I wish I was your lover
I wish that you were mine
Baby I've got this feeling
That I just can't hide

Don't try to run away
There's many things I wanna say
No matter how it ends
Just hold me when I tell you

I wish I was your lover
I wish that you were mine
Baby I got this feeling
That I just can't hide

All I need is a miracle
Oh baby all I need is you
All I need is to love you girl
Oh baby all I need is you
Baby you

I wish I was your lover
I wish that you were mine
Baby I got this feeling
That I just can't hide [3x]

Just wanna be your lover
Just wanna be the one
Let me be your lover
Let me be the one

And the second song is 

Enrique Iglesias - Hero

(Enrique Iglesias - Hero Full Video Song)

Enrique Iglesias - Hero LYRICS

(Whispered) Let me be your hero 

Would you dance if I asked you to dance? 
Would you run and never look back 
Would you cry if you saw me crying 
Would you save my soul tonight? 

Would you tremble if I touched your lips? 
Would you laugh oh please tell me these 
Now would you die for the one you love? 
Hold me in your arms tonight? 

I can be you hero baby 
I can kiss away the pain 
I will stand by you forever 
You can take my breath away 

Would you swear that you'll always be mine? 
Would you lie would you run away 
Am I in to deep? 
Have I lost my mind? 
I don't care you're here tonight 


I just want to hold you (2x) 
Am I in too deep? 
Have I lost my mind? 
Well I don't care you're here tonight 

Chorus (2x) 

You can take my breath my breath away 
I can be your hero.

Thanks Again.
Hope you would have loved this personalized / custom / clubbed song made by me.

Read Next - The Almighty Hair (I won price for this poem)

Read Next - How to get maximum cashback on online shopping orders in India? Read here - How to earn extra cashback on online shopping?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Personalized Songs - Kaisa Yeh Raaz hai. Movie - Raaz-The Mystery Continues

Hello Everyone.

I have started a new section on my blog "Personalized Songs" or you can say modified songs.

Here I will post some of the songs personalized, customized, modified versions.

So this one is from the movie "Raaz-The Mystery Continues". You can check the original Song both video and lyrics at the end.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dedicated to my Dad: Father's Day poem

Hello Reader's.

Today is Father's Day and i dedicated this poem to my Father and all wonderful Dad's across the globe.

Here it goes...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Love Poem - Remember Me?

Hello Readers.

Remember Me? is yet another poem/song composed by me. It is 100% original work of mine. It is little inspired from the Enrique Iglesias song "Somebody's Me" but it is completely different in lyrics and context. 

This song will soon be a part of the upcoming story which I am planning to write. It will be too early to talk about that story as its just in my mind. For the time being enjoy the song.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

New Romantic Poem - Beat Beat My heartbeats

Hello Readers.
After long time i have finally written a new romantic poem, "Beat". Thanks to the monsoon. Expect more in this rain.

So here it goes...

Beat beat my heartbeats.
Beat beat my heart goes.
Beat beat beat it finds you.

Knock knock it knocks the door.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

What does Real beauty means to ME.

Ever passed with my friends on street and when a good looking girl passes by.. I almost receive comments from my friends..  "She is beautiful. What say?" My strange response goes like this " it seems so, but i am not sure"

Physical beauty do matters and has impact on almost everyone but it is not everything though.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day - A Few small steps for a big change.

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated across the Globe on April 22 to remind us of our responsibilities towards sustainable development.

On this Earth day let us pledge to make our efforts to save the earth. If every one of us does our bit we will have a much better and greener world.

Here are a few things we can work upon to protect our mother earth.
1. Organic Roof Garden

Organic Rooftop garden not only beautifies our home but also grows flowers, fruits, and vegetables. It also gives us breaths (Oxygen). Its a great way to be environment-friendly and be carbon neutral. It also keeps our home temperature lower naturally as it prevents direct heating from sunlight, hence reducing the usage of air condition/fans and saving on electricity bills. 

By doing organic farming through organic rooftop we get a feeling of living close to nature amidst city life. Organic food is very healthy compared to food available in the markets which are usually cultivated using pesticides, germicides etc. By not consuming unhealthy food, organic farming on rooftop keeps us healthy and fit and keeps diseases like cancer at bay. 

Thus it's beautiful and good for nature and us.

2. Adapting Electric Vehicles

Drive an eVehicle like eCar, eBikes. 

This will both save your pockets and reduce pollution from environment. Also for other vehicles drive your vehicle in Economy range, Stop the fuel engine when waiting for long at traffic signals. This will save fuel up to 20%. It will save your pocket and environment too..!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Reservation Policy of India makes me rethink, Is India a Secular Country ?

Hello all..!

Today I am going to give my personal opinion on Reservation Policy of India. (Please take some time to give your opinion on this issue, you will get the link to Facebook Questions at the end of the post.)

If you are an Indian, you must have read in class 7th in Social Studies, that India is a Secular Country.

And if you are not then too You must have heard of it.

In a Secular Country it is expected that every citizen gets equal rights.

Our country claims that it is a secular country but when I try to think the other way then sorry I don't think the same.

I am going to give you an example.

You are in class 12th (higher secondary education). You are too good in studies  and eager to become a doctor.

And you have a friend who is also a classmate of yours, who is an average or below average in studies. You both have many things in common.

You are best friends.

You both have your own owned house, you both are neighbors. You both have got equal respect and other things in life.

And when exam results comes you scored 92% marks, and your friend just 51% marks.

And You do not get admission in Medical college even at self financed college and your friend gets admission in Medical college that too at Government financed.

Thanks to the Reservation Policy of India, that did a great justice to your hardwork.

The only difference between you and your friend was that he belonged to a reserved caste like ST (Social Tribe).

Your dream is churned out and the one who didn't have thought to be a doctor just becomes a doctor because he got admission.

Is this a justice ? Will you still think the same ? Is India a Secular Country ??

Every day thousands of millions of dreams are churned away by this reservation system of our country.

Many undeserving candidates enjoy the benefits at the same time.

I always wonder what these doctors and engineers who are not that qualified will give to our society.

They might even take life's of people as they do not qualify to the dignity honored.

Think a student who somehow passes the exams becomes a civil engineer because he belongs to certain reserved caste, followed by he gets a job in government as construction engineer again because he belongs to certain caste.

He never studied hard because he was assured that he has pool of opportunities as he will get out as reserved candidate.

He has insufficient knowledge. And then he gets a job and then he works on major projects.

This Engineer will construct bridges, airports, grounds like Commonwealth games, Who knows he may also construct a Nuclear power station. I fear these are bound to have some problems or errors. This may kill masses.

I am not sure where this reservation policy will lead us. 

Ohhh the other side, what about the open caste students, job seekers ?

To be a good doctor, engineer from a reputed institute becomes too hard or just a dream. Getting a government job is next to impossible to them. Thanks to our Great Reservation Policy.

There are many many people who belong to open castes, who are very poor. Who do not get right education, right job. At the same time there are many many people from other castes, Who are rich, have everything in there life, they are no more socially out-casted. Still they eat up these poor open castes candidates seats. Though open caste candidate may have scored higher, though they are more talented, though they are comparatively poor and have faced more social concerns then these reserved castes. The reserved caste candidates get that seat which the other guy actually deserves.

After Independence the social status of reserved castes is increased, there is no more discriminations between people based on castes in most of states of India.

But still we have this Reservation policy, which indeed is creating discrimination.

So this is high time we need to revise this  Non-secular reservation policy.

Today's Reservation Policy secures above 50% of seats to the candidates from SC, ST, And other backward castes (OBC) which is even against the Mondal Commissions suggestion that Reservation should not be above 50%, And this reservation policy was framed by Mondal Commission only. Also the government itself is confused with the term, "OBC" (Other Backward Castes)

I am in an opinion that this caste based Reservation policy should be taken back to its fullest.

And there should be no reservation policy. 

This will give equal justice, rights to all the people.

Let there be a healthy competition, may the best win.

Let there be no reservation, Let there be no discriminations.

This will make India a truly SECULAR country.

And then Every Indian will be truly proud of being an INDIAN.

HELLO..! I am Asking a Question on Facebook "Questions".

Please provide your valuable opinion by CLICKING HERE.

Jai Hind.

Best Regards,
Navneet Singh Chauhan.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

ICC Cricket world cup 2011 Unofficial Song.

Hello Guys and Girls, and all the passionate crazy people...!

This is the universal cricketing song, which i have written, its not for one cricketing team, its for all.

Love, Passion, Admire, Spirit, Determination its not one, but all, its Cricket.
When it comes to the world cup, its the biggest event in history,
all teams playing together to achieve one trophy.
Its World Cup.

It takes years of dedication to be the part of cricketing squad appearing for world cup.

And this song is dedicated to every cricketer, every team, with the spirit of universal win.

And here it goes..!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

March Against Corruption to inact JANLOKPAL.

Dear All.

We are facing extensive corruptions in our country and here is a ray of hope for all of us.

Kindly go through the article and be part of this Change Movement.

This 30th January 2011, Lakhs of people will take to streets of India to demand effective anti‐corruption law. Aravind Kejriwal, J M Lyngdoh, Swami Agnivesh, Kiran Bedi, Anna Hazare, Prashant Bhushan, Vincent M Concessao Archbishop of Delhi and others will march from Ramlila Grounds to Jantar Mantar on 30th January, the day Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated, at 1 pm to demand enactment of a law to set up an effective anti‐corruption body called Lokpal at the Centre and Lokayukta in each state (the existing Lokayukta Acts are weak and ineffective).

 How will the Lokpal Bill drafted by citizens help curb corruption?

Saturday, January 8, 2011

"I Remember" - My Latest Love Poem

Warm Hello, to all my dear Readers.

Today I am sharing a love poem which I wrote day before yesterday.

I have titled it as "I Remember" and this poem is of a boy, who is missing his girl badly .

And here it goes.